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Know you parcel's boundaries with a few clicks. Proceed in your project with confidence.
Experience a seamless transition from your Transect-delivered report to scheduling an American Land Title Association Survey (ALTA) with the Transect Marketplace. This centralized source is designed to streamline your fieldwork, simplifying the survey process and allowing you to move forward with your project plan confidently.
These surveys are an essential part of any legal ownership of land; the boundaries of a property must be properly and professionally delineated, making note of any easements or public right-of-way, or any other addition to or deletion from the property throughout the course of the parcel’s history.
Land developers simply upload their site, wait for the bid for the work, and download their report as a PDF once completed.
The new service allows the user to:
- Identify boundaries on potential development sites early in the planning process to make informed purchase decisions.
- Receive the necessary information to obtain comprehensive Title Insurance for any property as a buyer, seller, or owner.
- Plan and implement design and construction plans based on accurate parcel boundary information.
How it works:
- Transect Users upload their site specifications and request the ALTA survey.
- Transect offers the bid to their network of Professional Engineers (PE) and Professional Land Surveyors (PLS) firms.
- Transect will provide the lowest responsible bid to the land developer within three days.
A Transect environmental specialist will review the final ALTA survey for accuracy and completeness.
- The ALTA survey deliverable is a PDF plat or map of the survey and hard copies.
All surveyors and engineers are licensed in the State of the requested project. If the surveyor is required to record or file a plat or map pursuant to state statute or local ordinance, it shall be so recorded or filed.
To learn more about this service or to get your free demo of Transect’s latest tool, visit