The Slay team was looking for a way to swiftly determine the viability of a project before their clients purchased the proposed land.
- It would take several days to research which agencies have control of the land their customers are prospecting, and they had to jump through hoops to get in touch with the right people.
- Often, unforeseen environmental concerns would pop up at the end of their process.
With their Transect subscription, Slay can generate an unlimited number of in-depth, highly accurate feasibility reports that allow them to easily and confidently evaluate proposed land for their clients' projects. Our Transect Reports informs Slay of all of the "big ticket", environmental concerns, like protected species and wetlands, as well as site-specific permit matrix, avoidance recommendations, and next steps.
Our team of on-call environmental specialists, featuring wetlands biologists, species surveyors, regulatory specialists, and ex-developers, have also been able to support Slay with answers to any environmental questions at any time for no-billable hours.
Transect checks boxes upfront, ensuring we don't waste time on projects that aren't even viable.
- Competitive Edge Gained - Being able to quickly determine the feasibility of land with easy access to comprehensive data enables Slay to help turn more projects from "visions to fruition".
- Time Back - Slay typically spent 3 to 4 hours trying to get critical areas defined for just one project. Implementing Transect allowed them to reduce this process down to a matter of minutes.
Want to see Transect, the platform that helped this engineering firm portray project viability 160x faster? Request your demo NOW!