Greenfield Development
Free Permitting Checklist
Practical Tips to Avoid Environmental Risk on all Your Projects
Download our environmental permitting checklist to get a step-by-step list of ways to protect your project from the 9 most common environmental risks.
Download Your ChecklistWhat is Greenfield Land?
Greenfield land is undeveloped land in an urban or rural area that land developers typically desire for new development. Greenfield areas provide open space that suits a variety of projects. In some cases, greenfield development may refer to the development of agricultural land.
Greenfield Development Projects vs Brownfield Development Projects
What are Brownfield Sites?
Brownfield sites are areas of land that have been developed previously but are not currently in use. These sites may have existing structures where updates could occur or new infrastructure may be constructed to work with existing development.
How is Greenfield Development Different from Brownfield Development?
Greenfield development is a blank slate for a project, whereas previous work on brownfield redevelopment may create more challenges on the project. Brownfield sites may host toxic contaminants from prior work on the land. Compatibility between the existing site and the intended new land use may be more challenging to achieve on brownfield land, and zoning is often a factor. The difference in difficulty to develop might increase development costs for the project. Matching the right development project with a suitable land parcel is crucial for success. With the starting point for each type of project site differing, land developers must adopt different methodologies for beginning a project on each site.
Benefits of Greenfield Development
Greenfield developments typically encounter fewer hurdles and require a shorter development lifecycle. This timeline allows necessary infrastructure to be created quickly with easier project management. This quick timeline allows rapid development of commercial development, housing development, real estate development, or a renewable energy project, cutting development costs and supporting a growing city.
Urban Sprawl, Innovation, and the Future of Greenfield Land
As cities expand, urban development, infrastructure, and residential development is needed. Urban growth remains a hurdle for developers, and greenfield sites create the perfect setting for new urban areas and new housing. Urban sprawl has continued to increase, meaning the rate of development and the “land grab” have gotten more complicated. Due to this intense desire for greenfield sites, land developers may see an increase in land cost.
Free Permitting Checklist
Practical Tips to Avoid Environmental Risk on all Your Projects
Download our environmental permitting checklist to get a step-by-step list of ways to protect your project from the 9 most common environmental risks.
Greenfield Development Project Risks
With greenfield developments, protected natural resources can be a significant hurdle to projects in undeveloped areas. Since the site has not been developed, developers must conduct initial environmental assessments. Greenfield development may require a balance of project objectives and limiting environmental impacts, leading to environmental permitting.
Environmental Consultants
Environmental consultants identify project risks on brownfield and greenfield sites. They provide a comprehensive report containing all environmental risks and requirements for a project. This week typically takes a few weeks to months, which can extend an already longer timeframe for brownfield development sites.
The New System for Development: Software for Greenfield Land Developers
Environmental due diligence software, such as Transect, is instrumental in identifying the right site for project development. This software can recognize all environmental red flags and requirements for a project site in minutes. The software generates a comprehensive report of these risks, the existing code, regulations, and environmental hurdles for a project location. With this information, land developers can rapidly compare different brownfield and greenfield sites to determine the best spot for their latest project.
Free Permitting Checklist
Practical Tips to Avoid Environmental Risk on all Your Projects
Download our environmental permitting checklist to get a step-by-step list of ways to protect your project from the 9 most common environmental risks.