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Avoid Wetland Encroachment with Transect's Wetland Delineation Services
Transect Team
Oct 20, 2023

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The Wetlands Delineation Services available in the Transect Marketplace are a game-changer for land developers. With the recent Supreme Court ruling in Sackett v. EPA, certain wetlands are no longer protected at the federal level, leading to confusion over regulatory implications on land development sites.
The Transect platform aims to identify and mitigate risks to protected wetlands on project sites quicker and centralize fieldwork for a site in one place.
These Wetland Delineation Services flag potential disputed wetlands based on the new definition of protected wetlands under the CWA. With a few clicks of a button, this service provides the information contained in a traditional delineation report.
Land developers simply upload their site, wait for approval of the work, and download their report as a PDF once completed. Transect's Wetland Delineation Service aims to simplify a historically lengthy process as a testament to Transect's commitment to environmental protection and sustainable development.
The new service allows the user to:
- Identify wetlands on potential development sites early in the planning process to make informed purchase decisions.
- Incorporate wetland data into development designs to ensure minimal disruption to wetland areas.
- Plan and implement effective wetland mitigation measures based on accurate spatial information.
How it works:
Following the aftermath of Sackett vs EPA, proper wetland delineations are crucial to ensure all protected wetlands are identified and managed in accordance with their most recent definition.
To receive a Transect wetland delineation:
- A Transect user would request a bid for wetlands work.
- Transect's network of environmental consultant partners specializing in wetland sciences would provide competitive bids.
- A Transect Regional Environmental Specialist with deep environmental consulting experience will review the bid and convey the lowest responsible bid to the customer.
- The wetland delineation report is completed and provided to Transect.
- Wetland delineation reports are reviewed by Transect scientists for accuracy and completeness.
- The customer receives the report.
It takes approximately five days to define the scope of work, solicit bids, review bids, and convey the recommended bid. The timeline for executing fieldwork and preparing reports and maps is dependent on the complexity of the project.
In conclusion, the Transect Wetlands Delineation Service will help developers rapidly asses their land for protected waters in these confusing times following the recent Supreme Court ruling.
To learn more about this service or to get your free demo of Transect’s latest tool, visit www.transect.com.