Permits and regulations are complex and time consuming
Identify project sites in a few clicks
Evaluate sites faster

Pinpoint environmental risks early
Reduce unforeseen delays and costs by identifying environmental risks early-on using unmatched data.

Streamline development workflows

“Transect helps us think through whatever requirements exist in getting a project permitted, which is huge for us because it’s a problem that doesn’t scale very well. For us, it starts with Transect and ends with Transect.”
Shazim Chhapra
Chief Strategy & Commercial Officer, Hodson Energy“I really haven’t seen any other applications that have the workflow that Transect does.”
Roger Lasswell
Sr. Project Manager, Vanguard Real Estate Solutions“With Transect, our comprehensive knowledge significantly boosts our credibility and greatly improves the probability of securing control over the site.”
Mark Tippett
Chief Development Officer, YarotekIndustry insights

Floating Solar: Trends, Myths, and Best Practices With AccuSolar and Transect
Get a deep dive into the potential of floating solar installations.
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How Developers Can Advocate for Local Wind Projects
Learn tips to advocate for wind projects and build the local trust needed for success.

Renewable Energy Trends 2024
Renewable energy developers share their concerns, top project locations, and favorite tools.

The Rise of Agrivoltaics
Explore how agriculture and solar development support each other.

Yarotek’s partnership with Transect proved to be a game-changer in their land assessment and selection process.

The Developer
The Developer searched an area of ~30 million acres for the best land for solar project development.

Environmental Permitting Checklist
Explore tips to assess, select, and choose the perfect site for your project.
Find available capacity in seconds
Transmission Interconnection Capacity
Quickly assess capacity and voltage at nearby substations to make faster decisions on utility-scale sites.
Distribution Lines and Hosting Capacity
Identify the locations, phase, voltage, and capacity of distribution lines.